I think in everyone's lives there is a certain amount of unavoidable clutter. The unavoidable clutter is the clutter that you HAVE to keep. Maybe it's school, or work or a volunteer obligation which requires to keep certain things you don't use often but for my house it's my husbands work clutter. It's not one of those moments where my spouse won't get on board, because he literally has about zero control over it.
We are a military family. Before my husband joined I was sure we would gain structure, and order from the military. That is pretty much the most untrue misconception I had about what our life would be like. Instead it's "hurry up and wait", last minute changes, moving every few years and what feels like a never ending supply of specialty gear. Gas mask, caps, hats, outerwear, base layers, bags, tools, dress uniforms, dress shoes, boots. The amount of gear is mind boggling sometimes. It even has it's own large orange tote where it lives.
So I would love to hear from you, readers. What is the 'unavoidable clutter' in your home? What do you do to keep it tamed and from making your home feel chaotic?
Kay xx