Last night I watched a fantastic little documentary called Tiny. If you are not familiar with the idea of a 'little house' it is pretty straight forward. It is living in a home that is, well, little. I think by definition around 200sqft or less. I have to admit being in love and frighted with the idea. It REALLY appeals to me. I find that naturally the little house movement goes hand in hand with the ideals of minimalism, I mean, you can't have a TON of stuff if you are living in the space that is the size of some peoples walk-in closets.
Anyway, the concept of smaller not larger has been something I have been really playing with for awhile now. I think the problem with most houses is poor design. I firmly believe I could live in a tiny space if it was designed the right way. I have been slowly sharing that my ideals, and ideas about housing are changing to my husband. I am not sure he really understood what I meant until he watched the film with me last night.
While I don't think either of us are ready to dump our things and live in 200sqft (truthfully I haven't seen too many people with kids do this) I have stopped thinking that my life and it's success has to do with how large my home is and how much stuff I have in it. It is the mindset. One day, if we aren't military, we hope to build a home, or perhaps buy one. I think that depending on where our family is we, for the first time ever, will not be dreaming up a 2500sqft home. That, in its self, is so much growth for us as a couple.
So, what room could you really do without? Do you have a room in your home that you are almost never actually living in? Or perhaps it's a room totally dedicated to housing stuff that you never use. Do you have a guest room but never have guests? It's amazing what we could truthfully do without if we really thought about it.
Kay xxx
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